XV. Svetový kongres poľnohospodárskych múzeí (XV. Congress of the International Association of

CIMA XIV. KULPIN – NOVI SAD – SERBIA - 21. – 26. September 2008.
XV. Svetový kongres poľnohospodárskych múzeí (XV. Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Museums)
sa má konať v Novom Sade a Kulpíne v septembri 2008. roku. Keďže Kulpín a ani Petrovec nemajú adekvátne priestory, kongresová časť sa usporiada v Novom Sade. Iba jeden deň účastníci zjazdu strávia v petrovskej obci a to vo štvrtok 25. septembra
Témy kongresu: „Poľnohospodárske múzeá: bohatá minulosti a živá budúcnosť“ “Agricultural Museums: A Rich Past, A Living Future“
Prezidentom kongresu je Prof. Dr. Ján Kišgeci
International Association of Agricultural Museums - Internationale Vereinigung der Agrarmuseen on behalf of Presidium of AIMA - International Association of Agricultural Museums, which is Affiliated International Organization of ICOM, we have the pleasure to inform you that XV. Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Museums (CIMA XV.) will take place in Novi Sad and Kulpin – Serbia, from 21 to 26 September 2008.
Thursday 25.9.2008:
Traveling to Backi Petrovac and visit the Institute for hops, sorghum and aromatic plants. Visit to the community of Backi Petrovac - welcome words of the mayor of the town Backi Petrovac. guided tour on foot and visit Memorial gallery “Zuska Medvedjova” and National Museum.
Lunch break
Traveling to Kulpin and visiting the Serbish orthodox church and Museum of Agriculture, guided tour throw the permanent exhibition.
Cultural programme in the Museum`s park.
Picknic (regional dishes)
Return to Novi Sad