List z Floridy

List z Floridy
Prednedávnom sa nám cez KONTAKTY na portály ohlásila Ruth Ann Krišková z južnej Floridy. Jej mama Anna Melichová pochádzala z Kulpína a sobášila sa v kulpínskom kostole v roku 1929. V tom roku jej rodičia hneď aj odcestovali do USA. Ona sa už tam narodila a do rodiska svojich rodičov tohto leta prvýkrát pricestuje. Chcela by navštíviť príbuzných, o ktorých však málo vie a ponúka aj matkine kroje prípadným záujemcom alebo do múzea. Zasiela pozdrav do príbuzného Kulpína a v matkiných krojoch sa aj vyfotila.
Tiež poprosila, či by sme jej mohli pomôcť v hľadávaní príbuzných. Ak sú takí, čo by jej vedeli pomôcť alebo majú záujem o kroje, ktoré by pravdepodobne mohli byť asi 90 – 100-ročné, nech sa nám hlásia cez KONTAKTY.
Uvádzame i časti z jej listov:
Dear Catherine - Greetings from a relative of Kulpin people. I live in South Florida, USA and have opportunity to visit Kulpin in early July. This is the birthplace of my mother, Anna Melich. I heard from Andrea Sljukova (Her Great Grand mother is my aunt Maria Melich Zaborksy). She told me that my Grandfather's house in Kulpin is still there but rennovated. I can't wait to see it and the church where parents married in 1929.Both are deceased. And the cemetery where otherfamily is buried.
Through the Kulpin church, I am trying to find other relatives. Also, can you help me in asking if the museum is interested in receiving some of my mother's native costumes. It would please me very much if they would but I don't want to spend the money to ship unless they want them.
Your website is very impressive and I'm sure it takes alot of your time.. I can't read, write or speak slovack (well, troska very little understand. But I use Google Translate and it makes the language understandable but not perfect.
My main wish is to set foot on the soil my parents lived before they came to the US. in 1929. I have never travelled to Serbia before so this is very exciting to me. It will probably be my only time to visit.
Please write when you can. Thank you so very much for any help you can offer.
Full moon (tonight) greetings from sunny Davie, Florida.
Would the Kulpin Museum want them?
Would some of the older women in my family want them? (if they fit?)
I would like to ship them rather than bring them (less expensive).
They are in good condition, though wrinkled.
It would please me very much to have them back in her home country.
I am modeling them below in pictures.
I leave on June 27th to stay with a girlfriend in Hungary.
Thank you for your time and effort in helping me.
God's Blessings to you and yours,
Ruth Ann Kriška "Kris" Pascoe